Vitamin D in skin care products: A ray of sunshine for your skin

February 2024
The Derma Check AI

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  • Type of ingredient: vitamin, skin regenerator
  • Main benefits: Supports skin renewal, strengthens the skin barrier, improves skin texture
  • Ideal for: Dry skin, to prevent skin aging
  • Frequency of use: According to the product instructions, often in the daily routine
  • Combines well with: Moisturizers, other vitamins
  • To be avoided in case of: Overdosing, in combination with strong sunbathing

Introduction: What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D, known as the “sun vitamin”, plays an important role in the health and care of the skin. It is not only produced by the body through exposure to sunlight, but is also found in various skin care products.

Benefits of vitamin D for the skin

Strengthening the skin barrier

Vitamin D contributes to the firmness and elasticity of the skin and strengthens the skin barrier.

Promotion of skin renewal

It supports cell renewal and can therefore help to improve the general appearance of the skin.

Prevention of skin ageing

Vitamin D can reduce the signs of skin ageing and ensure a more youthful appearance.

Possible side effects of vitamin D

Skin irritations

Excessive use or high concentrations may cause skin irritation.

Interactions with solar radiation

Excessive exposure to the sun in combination with products containing vitamin D should be avoided.

Use of vitamin D in skin care products

Correct application

  • Regular use: Incorporate vitamin D into your daily skincare routine, ideally in combination with a moisturizer.
  • Combination with sunscreen: Always use sunscreen to protect the skin from UV rays.

How not to use it

  • Avoiding overdosing: Take care not to use vitamin D in excessive doses.
  • Not in combination with intensive sun exposure: Avoid direct, strong sunlight when using vitamin D products.


1. how does vitamin D affect the skin? Vitamin D supports skin renewal and helps to strengthen the skin barrier.

2. can vitamin D help with skin problems such as acne? There is evidence that vitamin D can have positive effects on various skin problems, including acne.

3. is vitamin D in skin care products suitable for all skin types? Yes, but people with sensitive skin should monitor their skin’s reaction and choose products accordingly.


Vitamin D is a beneficial ingredient in skincare that can help improve skin health. Balanced use along with adequate sun protection is key to maximizing the benefits of vitamin D and protecting the skin from damage.

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The Derma Check AI
The Derma Check's AI has been trained with the help of numerous scientific studies. She specializes in cosmetic ingredients and their effects.